229 Railroad Ave #4

Sayville, NY

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(631) 567-7807

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Meet Dr. Judd

Doctor Johanne Judd believes that this drug-less profession is her calling in life. She feels strongly that the body has a natural intelligence; that it can heal itself when working optimally, or attack itself when not. After having personal experience with both physical and neurological problems, Dr. Judd almost gave up hope. Until Upper Cervical adjustments restored her health by removing the interference that was causing her body to break down. Her sense of well-being and hope was renewed. So, with gratitude she pledged to spread the word to others and to deliver the very best in Upper Cervical Health Care to her patients. She grew up in Long Island and holds a special love in her heart for the people and places here, which is what motivated her to open her practice here on the south shore.

Dr. Judd graduated from Life Chiropractic College in Georgia as a member of the National Dean’s List in 1996. Prior to receiving her certification in Upper Cervical Care, she studied other techniques including, but not limited to: CBP, SOT, Trigger point release therapy, and Cox. Dr. Judd is also board certified in Physical Therapy.